May – June 2014
Woodward Gallery
Woodward Gallery presents BluDog on the Project Space this Spring.
NYC’s BluDog10003 considers himself a furry, four legged adhesive artist who believes sticker bombing is a much more hygienic form of marking his territory than what his instinct dictates.
BluDog’s work includes dozens of public sticker campaigns in cities and towns on five continents. His work both reflects and respects the environment it is found in. Blu explores his obsession with the power of symbols and the natural deterioration of them using creative materials, reclaimed items and a little ingenuity. Although his imagery often addresses complex social issues, it remains true to the whimsical nature of stickers with bright colors and simple iconic images.
BluDog’s work is featured in the definitive sticker-art book,“Stickers: Stuck-Up Piece of Crap: From Punk Rock to Contemporary Art”, published by Rizzoli NY.
The “JustUs League Revealed” is an assembly of several members of Blu’s Cru that all reside inside his often crowded head. Stay up, stay rising!